La cage pour chien - un élément essentiel de votre maison




Caisse pour chiens

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At first, I wasn’t sure if we would be pro or con dog crates, but the dog crate has turned into a very positive part of Kobi’s life, so we definitely recommend them. Kobi’s dog crate has become his apartment in our apartment.

Caisse pour chiens

First, we put the crate in a good spot in our apartment so Kobi can still look out and see what’s going on in a variety of places.

Secondly, we feed our dog in his crate and it’s a place to him to escape to when he’s tired. We made his crate comfortable and have it covered with a blanket on all three sides and the top.

As stated by the Humane Society, “crate training uses a dog’s natural instincts as a den animal. A wild dog’s den is his home, a place to sleep, hide from danger, and raise a family.

The crate becomes your dog’s den, an ideal spot to snooze or take refuge during a thunderstorm.” This is exactly explains how Kobi’s dog crate works in our home.

Of course, we also used the crate to help house-train our dog. Kobi was a bit slow to adapt to only “going” outside, but crate training helped a lot and he’s housebroken now.

If you’re looking for a great dog crate, there are a variety of options from:

Midwest Life Stages Caisse métallique pliante à double porte pour chien 2

Caisse pour chien en métal

We have a Double-Door Folding Metal Dog Crate. What’s great about this is that if you move your furniture around (as we occasionally do), this gives you two options on how your dog might enter the crate.

This metal crate also comes with an adjustable divider panel that you can use to change the size of the interior until your puppy grows to its full size, which is super helpful when house-training your dog. These metal dog crates often come in various colors.

Voir aussi NY Dog License FAQ : Ce qu'il faut savoir

zenhaus dog crate

Cage/réceptacle/maison pour chien

If you’re looking for a dog crate, but want it to have more style, check out various Dog Crates,  Dens and Houses.

These range in style from modern to more traditional. Some actually look like a coffee table or side table.

Orvis - Caisse de voyage pliable en nylon pour chiens

Caisse de voyage

Les caisses de voyage sont souvent fabriquées à partir de tissus légers ou de plastique, ce qui les rend faciles à transporter. Certaines d'entre elles sont faites pour être pliées et transportées.

Consultez notre section "Caisses pour chiens" dans notre boutique pour découvrir d'autres caisses.


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