Toxic Foods for Dogs: Don’t Make This Common Mistake!


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As dog owners, we always want to ensure our fur family members are as healthy as possible. While it might be tempting to share certain foods for dogs that are less than ideal or even feed your pups scraps from the table, it’s important to know that some human foods can be harmful to dogs.

Foods for Dogs

In fact, there are several common foods that can not only cause upset stomachs in dogs, but can also be toxic and even deadly.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the bad foods that you should avoid giving to your dog.

Dans le cadre de la Semaine nationale de prévention des empoisonnements, voici notre liste des mauvais aliments pour chiens :
mauvais aliments pour les chiens

Dog owners all have different rules as what to feed their best friends, but there are bad foods for dogs which can be extremely harmful.

It’s best always to check to see if a type of food is ok to feed to a dog before you give it to them.

Bad Foods for Dogs: Some common foods like chocolate, grapes, onions, and garlic can be harmful to dogs and should be avoided.

Voici une liste d'aliments que les chiens doivent éviter :

  • Alcool
  • Avocats
  • Caféine (y compris le café et le thé)
  • Chocolat
  • Produits laitiers (y compris le lait)
  • Garnitures grasses
  • Ail
  • Raisins
  • Noix de Macadamia
  • Nicotine (ok - pas un aliment, mais certains humains "consomment" des cigarettes)
  • Oignons
  • Kakis, pêches et prunes
  • Raisins secs
  • Sel
  • Aliments sucrés (y compris les bonbons et les chewing-gums)
  • Pâte de levure

Si vous pensez que votre chien a mangé l'un de ces aliments nocifs pour les chiens, appelez immédiatement votre vétérinaire ou le service d'assistance téléphonique antipoison pour animaux.

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As owners, we might eat these foods and not give them to our dogs. However, it’s just as important to ensure you have stored these foods away properly.

Remember that dogs (even small ones) can jump on tables and counter tops.

Especially when you aren’t at home, they have to the opportunity to work on trying to jump up and get to those grapes or chocolate sitting on the counter or table top. Do yourself and your dog a favor by storing it in the refrigerator.

Notez que les chiens peuvent aussi avoir d'autres allergies alimentaires. J'ai été très surprise de découvrir que mon chien, un Bichon Havanais, a beaucoup d'allergies. Il est allergique à l'herbe (mais il essaie quand même d'en manger). Il a également eu une mauvaise réaction allergique au maïs.

Pour en savoir plus sur les ingrédients contenus dans les aliments pour chiens, consultez notre article intitulé " Comment lire l'étiquette d'un aliment pour chiens".

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