Emmener son chien adulte à l'école canine


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It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks, and enrolling your adult dog in dog school can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend.

La rentrée des classes

While puppies are typically the first to come to mind when we think of training programs, adult dogs can also benefit greatly from structured learning environments.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of taking your adult dog to dog school and what you can expect from the experience.

From obedience training to socialization, dog school can help your adult dog become the best version of themselves.

Emmener votre chien adulte à l'école

While kids might groan about heading back to school, your dog would probably jump at the chance to take some group classes.

Regardless of your dog’s age or activity level, there is a training class to suit his needs. Adult and senior dogs can benefit from the structure of training, the fun of a weekly dog-themed outing, and the treats and attention they get in class.

Lorsque vous choisissez un cours collectif, posez-vous deux questions :
1. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait intéresser mon chien ?
2. De quoi mon chien est-il physiquement capable ?
Voici quelques cours à envisager pour différents types de chiens adultes :

rentrée des classes 2

Faites attention à vos manières

Regardless of age, a basic manners class can teach you and your dog new skills, show you how to eliminate bad habits and enhance your bond with your dog.

Look for a class that uses positive training methods (meaning, using rewards and not punishment), so your dog is sure to have fun.

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If your older pup already has the basics down, consider something more advanced, like a tricks class.

Another option is Rally Obedience, which is something I’ve just started doing with my own dog, who is 12 years young! In “Rally-O”, you and your dog perform a series of different obedience or agility tasks laid out on a course.

Jeunes de cœur

retour à l'école

For adult dogs who still feel like puppies, there are numerous sport classes to consider, at either the recreational or competitive level.

At Doggie Academy, our most popular classes are in Agility, in which dogs learn to walk up and down a teeter-totter, weave through poles, etc. The trainer will modify the obstacles (such as jump height) to fit your dog’s size and athletic ability.

Si votre chien a un peu de ressort, les cours de style libre musical vous permettent de créer des routines en musique. Comme c'est vous qui concevez les mouvements, il n'y a aucune pression pour pousser votre chien au-delà de ses capacités physiques.

Retour à l'école de la JCC

There are even classes suited to more sedate dogs. A Canine Good Citizen class culminates in a 10-task test that evaluates the manners and temperament of a dog. (It is sometimes a prerequisite for therapy dog programs.)

In some cases, adult dogs have an advantage in passing the CGC test because they are less excited to greet strangers and calmer on leash than puppies.

Ou, juste pour le plaisir, essayez un cours de jeux olfactifs, qui exploite le désir de chaque chien de renifler quelque chose de savoureux.

Besoins particuliers

Même si votre chien souffre d'une déficience visuelle, auditive ou physique, il peut être admis à des cours collectifs. Il suffit de contacter l'instructeur d'un cours que vous aimeriez suivre, pour voir si le cours vous convient.

Voir aussi Comment lire le langage corporel des chiens

When choosing a group class, just remember to ask yourself what your dog would choose, even if it’s not your own first choice.

Lorsque vous le voyez s'amuser en apprenant une compétence qui lui convient, l'excitation est contagieuse !

Contributor Kate Naito – Kate is a dog trainer with Doggie Academy in Brooklyn, NY

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