Quel est le kit de test ADN pour chien le plus précis ?


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Finding the right dog DNA test kit can be overwhelming, but accuracy is key. One top-rated option is the Embark Dog DNA Test Kit. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Embark Dog DNA Test Kit and explore its features, accuracy, and benefits.

Dog DNA Test Kit

What Makes Accurate Dog DNA Test Kits?

The most accurate dog DNA test kits use a combination of genetic markers, algorithms, and breed data to identify your pet’s breed mix and genetic health risks.

The Embark Dog DNA Test Kit boasts over 350 breeds and screens for over 200 genetic health conditions, providing detailed results that can help pet owners make informed decisions about their dog‘s welfare.

Pourquoi dois-je faire subir un test ADN à mon chien ?

The whole point of testing your pet’s DNA, while a little different from humans, still serves the same purpose. You do it to find out more about your pooch’s ancestry and dog heritage.

In most cases, the main reason it’s done is to pinpoint what dog breeds are inside/make up your pet.

This is something many pet parents are curious about and when you think about it, it is something all pet parents should be interested to learn more about.

This is because dog DNA tests allow you to find out whether or not, your furry friend has any genetic diseases or disorders that could be life-threatening.

And the use of these tests can eliminate that possibility or at least, allow you to expose a disease before it becomes a full-blown disorder.

In fact, it is for this reason that many pet parents often adopt mixed-breed pups, because they will often have fewer genetic problems, due to a lack of inbreeding.

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This makes you wonder, even if I wanted to test my dog, what is the best dog DNA test to use?

Heureusement pour vous, nous avons la réponse !

Quel est le kit de test ADN pour chien le plus précis ?

Si vous cherchez à obtenir les informations les plus précises possibles sur votre chien, le meilleur choix pour cela serait le "Embark Breed & Health Kit".

This kit is so highly rated because it is specially made in collaboration with Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.

This makes it one of the most professional and accurate testing kits, you could ever hope to use, as it will run several in-depth genetic health tests on your canine’s DNA.

It will then provide you with accurate details on the breeds that make up your pooch’s DNA that could be as low as 5%.

Plus, it also comes with background information on their ancestors that could go as far back as their great-grandparents!

Plutôt cool, non ?

Also, when it comes to using the kit, it couldn’t be simpler. All you need to do is to take a cheek swab from your pet and mail it to Embark.

They will conduct all the necessary tests and present the result within two to four weeks. And while the wait may sound lengthy, Embark will keep you updated regularly on its status once received, then post the final results in your account on the Embark website.

The report will also feature detailed results that are made using easy-to-follow visuals and charts.

In fact, some previous users actually reviewed that when their dog reports were completed, and there was some alarming health information, a geneticist reached out personally to discuss the implications of those results!

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Vous parlez d'un service de qualité, n'est-ce pas ? Et avec de telles informations à votre disposition, vous pouvez ensuite choisir de les partager avec votre vétérinaire et trouver la meilleure façon de procéder si un traitement est nécessaire.

Embark Dog DNA Test Kit

For Breed Identifications and Canine Genetic Health

✓ Test pour plus de 350 races

✓ Retracez l'ascendance de votre chien jusqu'à 5%.

✓ Dépistage de plus de 190 problèmes de santé

✓ 20+ Trait Tests

L'élément d'identification de la race de ce kit de test ADN canin permet de détecter plus de 350 races, types et variétés de chiens grâce à une plateforme de génotypage de qualité recherche, considérée comme la répartition des races la plus précise du marché actuel.

L'élément de dépistage de la santé teste plus de 190 maladies génétiques pour aider votre chien à rester plus heureux, en meilleure santé et à vivre plus longtemps. Découvrez qui sont les parents proches et éloignés de votre chien grâce à l'un des tests ADN de race et de santé les mieux notés pour les chiens de taille moyenne, les petits chiens hybrides et les chiens de grande race.


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