How To Clean Your Dogs Teeth – They’ll Live Longer!


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Do you know how to clean your dogs teeth? If not, it’s important that you learn because according to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA): dental disease not only affects the mouth, but can also lead to more serious health problems such as heart, lung, and kidney disease.

How To Clean Your Dogs Teeth

Good dental hygiene is just as important for dogs as it is for humans. Unfortunately, it is one of the most overlooked areas in pet health.

Studies by the AAHA reveal that nearly two-thirds of pet owners do not provide the dental care recommended by veterinarians.

Chances are if your dog has very bad breath, there is a problem with his teeth. Studies show that 98% of dogs with bad breath are suffering from periodontal disease, a result of plaque build-up.

If left untreated, this can lead to a bacterial infection, which can enter the bloodstream and spread to your dog’s kidney, liver, heart and even its brain. So if you are not taking care of your dogs teeth, you could actually be shortening their lifespan.

As a part of the overall grooming process, it’s recommended to brush your dogs teeth at least 2 to 3 times a week. I use a child’s small toothbrush on my dog (Kobi, a Havanese) since he has a small mouth. I find this much easier than using a finger brush.

I also use Petrodex Enzymatic Toothpaste in poultry flavor. This toothpaste keeps his teeth really clean. Kobi’s 5 years old and his teeth are still white.

It’s important not to use human toothpaste on your dog as most human toothpastes include fluoride, which is extremely poisonous to dogs.

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Hundezähne putzen

Was ist in enzymatischer Zahnpasta enthalten?

Enzymatic toothpaste contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase. When glucose oxidase is in the presence of glucose and oxygen, it becomes antibacterial.

The enzymes generate hydrogen peroxide that targets plaque and tartar. Unlike human toothpaste, which will make your dog very ill, enzymatic toothpaste doesn’t have to be rinsed from your dogs teeth or mouth because they can safely swallow it.

Normalerweise putze ich meinen Hunden am Ende des Tages die Zähne. Abends, wenn ich mit dem Zähneputzen fertig bin, sage ich Kobi, dass er jetzt dran ist. Er ist zwar kein großer Fan vom Zähneputzen, aber er scheint die Zahnpasta mit Geflügelgeschmack zu mögen, also macht er nicht allzu viel Aufhebens.


PlaqClnz Spray Mundpflege für die Zähne Ihres Hundes

If you’re having a hard time trying to brush your dog’s teeth, you might want to try an oral care spray.

PlaqClnz is a zinc-based, easy-to-use oral care that treats and helps prevent bad breath, plaque, tartar and gingivitis. Used regularly, it keeps dogs’ breath fresh and protects against the early stages of periodontal disease.

Und so funktioniert es:

- Täglich ca. ½ Stunde vor oder nach der Fütterung mit einem Druck auftragen.
- Halten Sie den Kopf Ihres Hundes beim Auftragen waagerecht, damit es nicht die Kehle hinunterrieselt.
- Es ist geschmacksneutral und alkoholfrei. Ihr Hund wird es durch sein natürliches Lecken im Maul verteilen.

Wenn Sie eine zusätzliche Reinigung wünschen, können Sie das PlaqClnz Spray mit dem PlaqClnz Gel kombinieren. Siehe PlaqClnz für weitere Informationen.

Möchten Sie mehr erfahren? Sehen Sie sich unseren Beitrag über Erste Hilfe für Hunde - Nützliche Artikel für zu Hause!

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