Was sollten Sie über französische Bulldoggen wissen?


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French Bulldog breeds are gentle, loving pets that get along with everyone, even with children. Because of this, they may tend to be possessive and territorial of their human companions in the presence of other dogs.

Französische Bulldogge

French Bulldogs are playful, free thinkers, humorous, and mischievous. They make delightful pets because of their relaxing nature.


Frenchies weigh between 28-38 pounds and stand between 12-15 inches tall at the shoulder.

This dog breed has a short thin-layer coat of fur, stocky dog size, and their colors may vary in tones of cream, white, fawn, and brindle.

The white coat color is the mostmost common coat color that you see mixed as part of two shade combinations.

The fawn French Bulldog along with the cream are also common. However, the rarest color for this dog breed is in the shade of blue merle.

Französische Bulldogge Hund Rassen

Hintergrund und Ursprung

The French Bulldog originated from England in the early 1800s. It was in France where the breed grew popular and acquired its famous nickname “Frenchie.”

Pflege der Französischen Bulldogge - eine Hunderasse

Small-sized French Bulldogs are perfect for those with less living space. If one resides in an apartment, this breed is ideal to have as companion dogs.

Sie sind ziemlich gut erzogen, und sie sind vielleicht keine Serienbeller, aber wenn sie bellen, gibt es meistens einen guten Grund dafür.

Dog lovers that are obsessed with maintaining a clean living area, may find that having a Frenchie may not be the best dog breed to have compared to other dogs.


According to the Animal Health Center, French Bulldogs are also prone to many other health problems. Here are a few examples:

  • Hüftdysplasie
  • brachycephalic syndrome
  • elongated soft palate
  • ear infections
  • intervertebral disc disease
  • heat stroke

Though beautiful and adorable, a French Bulldog’s drooling, flatulence, and shedding excess hair can all be surprising for owners to deal with.

French Bulldogs shed consistently all year-round, so the excessive falling dog hair can be a big turn-off for some dog owners.

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Though these medical conditions are not specific to this dog breed, when these ailments get diagnosed it can lead to very costly vet bills.

Heat Advisory and Care

Frenchies are susceptible to heat exhaustion, and for them to be safe and comfortable, they should be kept in a cooler environment, especially during hot day and when there are hot temperatures.

Während dieser Zeit sollten sie in einem gut belüfteten Raum gehalten und mit Flüssigkeit versorgt werden.

French Bulldogs have problems with excessive heat because they cannot cool down as easily as other breeds of dogs. This is because they have a short snout, which makes it difficult for them to pant and cool down.

French Bulldogs are also more prone to overheating than other breeds, which can be deadly if not treated quickly.

Was sollten Sie über die Rettungsmöglichkeiten für Französische Bulldoggen wissen?

Französische Bulldogge Welpe

Though people put dogs up for adoption for a variety of reasons, the Frenchies’ susceptibility to various medical conditions is likely one of the reasons why some owners abandon them.

Frenchie owners give their pets to rescue shelters because of the heavy responsibilities of owning this breed.

Die tierärztliche Versorgung ist ohnehin schon teuer, und eine Hunderasse, die für verschiedene Krankheiten anfällig ist, kann noch weitaus kostspieligere Behandlungen erfordern.

Since Frenchies are a sought-after breed in the United States, it may not necessarily be that easy to find one in a shelter.

However, instead of seeking a pup from the pet store, here are two advantages if you opt to adopt:

1. Sie können ein Leben retten, wenn Sie eine Französische Bulldogge retten lassen

Die Adoption einer geretteten Französischen Bulldogge bedeutet, ihnen eine zweite Chance zu geben. Gerettete oder ausgesetzte Tiere können eingeschläfert werden, wenn sie nicht früher adoptiert werden.

2. Es ist günstiger, eine Französische Bulldogge zu adoptieren

The French Bulldog breed might cost a thousand dollars or more when purchased. Whereas, adopting one will cost substantially less, typically a few hundred dollars.

Estimates have ranged anywhere from $350-$600 to cover adoption fees. See the cost section below for more details.


A French Bulldog puppy can be easily identified with their signature physical traits:

  • facial wrinkles
  • short nose
  • bat ears
  • flat faced breed
  • small muscular build
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Even when it is still a puppy, one can quickly identify whether it is a Frenchie or not.

Is a Frenchie puppy hard to train?

Französische Bulldogge Welpen

French Bulldogs are intelligent, and they are known to be independent. This means that they can be easy to train, but they can be stubborn.

Die Erziehung eines Frenchie erfordert viel Geduld und Verständnis, da es sich um Welpen handelt, die eine angemessene Führung benötigen.

Französische Bulldoggenwelpen behalten ihre Lektionen schneller, wenn sie konsequent trainiert werden. Dies unterscheidet sich nicht von der Ausbildung jeder anderen Hunderasse, und es ist ideal, einige kurze Trainingseinheiten pro Tag zu erwägen.

Nicht alle Hunde können in einem einzigen Durchgang lernen, etwas richtig zu tun; daher sind Wiederholungen für sie unerlässlich, um sich mit den Lektionen vertraut zu machen.

Versuchen Sie auch, das Training jeden Tag zur gleichen Zeit zu planen. Einen persönlichen Hundetrainer zu engagieren, kann auch eine gute Option sein.

Frenchies lernen gerne, aber es ist wichtig zu wissen, dass sie nicht die ideale Hunderasse für Wettbewerbe sind.

french bulldogs

Wie viel kostet ein Welpe einer Französischen Bulldogge?

Below, we share some insight about how much some breeders charge for Frenchies, but it is important to not that it is possible to find you next pet through a breed rescue organization.

There is a big difference in the cost between buying a Frenchie puppy and adopting one.

Buying a Frenchie puppy may cost you an average of $1,500-$3,500. It can even go up to $5,500-$10,000 if the type of dog is rare. The pedigree of the puppy’s parents may also have an impact on the costs.

Die Adoption eines Frenchie kostet Sie dagegen nur 350 bis 550 Dollar, und die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist groß, dass er bereits kastriert, geimpft und entwurmt ist.

As with any dog breed, many French Bulldogs can require a lot of commitment from their families.

Dog lovers seeking to own a Frenchie should become acquainted with the unique care needs of the breed.

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Knowing the responsibilities and costs of buying or adopting this dog breed will help fur parents to remain reliable owners of their Frenchie companion.

Breed Club information

Breed clubs are a great place for french bulldog owners and enthusiasts to get education, referrals, and make connections.

It can provide a place for people to share information and resources about french bulldogs, as well as organize events and activities for club members.

The French Bulldog Club of America is the national breed club for french bulldogs in the United States.

It is a resource for french bulldog owners, where owners can conduct responsible breeder research, and provides information on the health, training, and care of the dog breed.

The French Bull dog Club of America also hosts events and activities for french bulldog lovers throughout the year.

If you’re looking for a club in your area, check out the French Bull dog Club of America’s website for a list of clubs across the country.

Whether you’re a french bulldog owner or just an enthusiast, joining a club is a great way to connect with other people who love these dogs as much as you do!


If you are considering adding a French Bull dog to your family, there are a few things you should know. We’ve outlined some of the most important breed characteristics as well as health problems that are common in the dog breed.

We’ve also provided some tips on how to care for your Frenchie and where to find a reputable breeder, animal shelter, or rescue group.

Lastly, we gave some insights into the cost of owning French Bull dog puppies. So before you take the plunge and add one of these adorable dogs to your home, be sure to read this post thoroughly.

Are you thinking about getting a Frenchie? Let us know in the comments below!


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